Hey guys!
Bit of a mixed post today. I have a couple of awards, a tag, a blog party and some other random stuff :)
First, the Liebster Award!
I made this button myself (I hope that isn't against the rules :/) Feel free to use this button, just give me credit and stuff :)
I was nominated by the lovely
Eve (because I said mango first in the comments ;) ) and the wonderful
Anna. Please click on their names and check out their beautiful blogs!
1. Thank the blogger(s) that nominated you.
2. Nominate a few of your favourite bloggers and let them know on their blog.
3. The Liebster Award button must be in the post.
4. You must answer a list of 11 questions that the blogger who nominated you has written.
5. At the end of the post, you must write 11 questions for the bloggers you have nominated.
I will be doing
Eve's set of questions first.
1. What is your personality like?
Ummm.... I don't really know. I'm quite creative. A lot of my friends say they thought I was really shy when they first met me. Then they got to know me... ;) I'm not too sure, haha!
Lauren, if you want to help me out, comment below!
2. What is one thing you would change about the world?
There are so many things I would change! Racism would be gone. As would sexism and homophobic bullying. War, starvation, thirst, homelessness. Gone. I really want equal distribution of wealth. How is it fair that footballers get paid millions when people are starving, dehydrated, sleeping in the open? So much to change in this world, I can't pick one thing.
3. What is your biggest pet peeve?
It was more better than. It was more simpler. No. Stop. It's either more simple or simpler. Stop. I also hate when somebody comes into my room and leaves the door open. Just a tiny crack, but it's still open. But my biggest pet peeve is the first one. It bugs me.
4. Chocolate or vanilla?
Chocolate, definitely! But I prefer vanilla ice cream.
5. What is something you can't live without?
My family.
Dis girl. My friends. Books. Internet.
6. What do you like about blogging?
I love that I've made so many new friends - check out their blogs
here (Kenzie),
here (Rosie),
here (Madeline),
here (Anna),
here (Celia),
here (Elly) and
here (Bekah). I also love the positive comments I get from you guys about my writing - they make my day!
7. What's your favourite TV show?
Dr Who and Sherlock! I can't believe I met Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman! *happy sigh* One of the best moments of my life. :)
8. What is something you've always wanted to do?
I've always wanted to travel the world, especially Chicago, Amsterdam and Greece. Because Divergent, TFIOS and Greek Mythology... I'm a nerd. I've also always wanted to be a writer and have books published :)
9. What is your dream career?
A writer. Always has been!
10. Funniest dream?
I have had many funny dreams! I'll give you a few ;) I had a dream once that I was having a log rolling competition down the side of the Garth hill right by my house with Lauren and my friend Rebeka. And I was like "Guys. This is how it's done" and rolled down the hill and I woke up on the floor because I'd rolled out of my bed, onto Rebeka, who was sleeping over.... I also had a dream that I shouted at the Hunger Games cast for talking too loud while I was watching Catching Fire, not realising it was the cast. And then there's that one time where I dreamed everybody was ill in school, so my teacher came up to our classroom with giant gummy bears, which made us even worse. We then did PE, where I got shouted at for insulting someone's mother. And then we got called in to "go to your stations now. The badgers are coming" followed by lots of alarms and screaming. I have the weirdest, funniest dreams ever. (Tell me which is your favourite in the comments!)
11. Happiest memory?
Too many happy memories! (Which is a good thing, I suppose...) Hard to choose, but a really happy memory I have is playing Super Mario Bros with
this girl and being so enthusiastic and being so weird, we fell off the stool we were sitting on... I also love thinking of roller-blading (yeah, I was cool ;) ) with my friend Rebeka and
Lauren riding her bike next to us when we were younger. A lot of my happy memories are of primary school :)
Lovely questions, Eve!
Now onto the amazing
Anna's questions.
1. Who is your favourite fictional character?
Oh my gosh, no! I can't choose, they are my children! I love Hermione, obviously, and Luna. I love Tessa Gray, Will Herondale and Jem Carstairs (best love triangle. Ever.) I really like Finnick, Peeta and Christina (from Divergent) I love Gus and Hazel, I love the Doctor (David and Matt's versions) I love John Watson and Sherlock. I love Simon and Magnus. I can't choose, I'm sorry!
2. What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?
Does meeting Cassandra Clare, Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman count (hehe)? Hmmmm....The librarian knows my name? Haha! My mum said having her as my mother when I asked her *sigh* Cheers mum for the serious answer.... I suppose passing my piano grades 1-3 is my biggest achievement at the moment. I also think starting this blog and getting 26 followers is a great achievement for me :) That was so hard - I haven't achieved a lot that people would think of as an achievement. A lot of little things I've done feel like a great achievement to me!
3. Would you rather go a year without sweet things or a year without salty things? (maw ha ha I'm evil ;) )
Oooo.... I'm tempted to say sweet things, because if you think about it, a lot of things are salty? But chocolate... I'm going to have to say a year without salty things!
4. What languages do you know?
I know English (kind of obvious...) I know quite a bit of Welsh (because I live in Wales, if you hadn't gathered that!) and the same amount of French. I also know a bit of German :)
5. Would you rather paint or dance?
Paint, definitely. I'm a rubbish dancer! I only dance if I'm on my own or with a certain hyper friend....*cough* Lauren.
6. The colour yellow or the colour green?
Green. I love yellow, but definitely green :)
7. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Introvert! I have a wickle bit of extrovert, but only about this much -- >.< I'm definitely an introvert.
8. Favourite book series?
I can't pick! The Hunger Games, Divergent, the Mortal Instruments, the Infernal Devices, Harry Potter. I can't pick, sorry!
9. Are you a dare-devil or a more cautious person?
Definitely a cautious person!
10. Dogs or cats?
Dogs! I only like a few cats, definitely a dog person!
11. What is your favourite band/song artist?
Again, can't really pick! I love Bastille, Imagine Dragons, Kodaline and Gabrielle Aplin. I quite like Taylor Swift as well.
And that's the Liebster Award done! Thanks again for nominating me, you guys :) Okay, nominations!
I nominate:
Here are your questions!
1. Describe your perfect day. What would you do, what would happen, who would you spend it with?
2. If you could choose one fictional character to spend a day with, who would it be and why?
3. What is your happiest memory? You can name more than one.
4. If you could be one fictional character for a day, who would it be and why?
5. What is your most recent dream?
6. In front of the camera or behind it?
7. What is your greatest achievement?
8. If you could travel anywhere in the world and spend a week there, where would you go and why?
9. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
10. What is your dream job?
11. Would you rather go to Hogwarts or be the Doctor's companion? (hehehe....)
1. Include one of the fashion tag buttons in your post.
2. Answer all of the questions.
3. Nominate 3-5 bloggers to do it next. :)
1. What is your favourite kind of hairstyle?
Definitely a braid. I wear it all the time!
2. What is your favourite kind of top?
T-shirts, definitely! I love snuggly jumpers in the winter, but t-shirts are my favourite. :)
3. Do you prefer shorts or skirts?
Shorts! Since I have only just bought a skirt.... I love my skirt, but shorts, definitely!
4. Favourite style of dress?
Um... I like floaty dresses. Lacy ones and such. Ya know the ones? Where the top is quite fitted (not really tight though...) and the bottom is floaty and pretty. Those ones. ;)
5. Winter outfits or Summer outfits?
Hmmm... I love Summer outfits, but I'd have to say Winter because big jumpers and leggings has to be the comfiest thing ever.... Also, I'm really insecure about how I look, so the more of me covered up, the better...
6. Necklaces or bracelets?
Bracelets! I really can't be bothered with necklaces a lot of the time!
7. Favourite kind of shoe?
Lace up boots or trainers. Comfy shoes :)
Well, that was fun! Now for the tagging!
I tag:
Have fun! You don't have to do this tag if you don't want to! It's up to you :)
Next: Anna's Blog Party!
*turns on music*
*brings out cake*
*puts up balloons*
*sprinkles glitter and confetti everywhere*
*dances weirdly* ~(•-•~) (~•-•)~ ~(•-•)~ \(•-•)/
1. Favourite season?
I love them all! I'd have to say Spring or Autumn (Fall) because the weather isn't too hot but it isn't too cold.
2. Favourite colour?
Light blue.
3. Favourite author?
Too many! Suzanne Collins, Veronica Roth, Cassandra Clare, J. K. Rowling, John Green, Rick Riordan.
4. Thing that inspires you the most?
Umm... pictures inspire me a lot. As do all of your lovely blogs! Long car rides, rain, mist, random people, being around my friends and family. Lots of things :)
5. Favourite thing about blogging?
Making friends! And getting such positive feed back about my writing >.<
*stops dancing*
*sweeps up confetti and glitter*
*hands out balloons to all you lovely people*
*grabs last slice of cake*
*turns off music*
And now, for a bit o randomness. Firstly,
Celia over at Crazy. Crazy. Crazy. is having a writing challenge from June 2nd (I think) til August. Click
here for more information about it - it sounds really cool! Just a note to say I'm going to be taking part because it sounds
Secondly: *starts crying* Goodbye, beautiful Brooke!
Yes, the wonderful Brooke Elise has decided to stop blogging *cries harder* *sobs into cake slice* *pops my balloon because it's too happy* *cries because I popped the balloon* As you can tell from my *--* actions, I'm a bit of an emotional mess at the moment....
Goodbye Brooke! You have been a great inspiration to me and we will all miss you!
*wipes tears away* *eats cake slice, now wet from my tears* In other news, only 2 more days until CoHF is out :) I'm not prepared for the emotions! *coughs*
Wow. This was a long post! Thank you all for reading ♥