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Sunday 25 May 2014

Words #3: Home



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1. A building for human habitation, especially one that consists of a ground floor and one or more upper storeys.


1. The place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.

There's a lot of difference between a house and a home. A house is an empty thing, a shell with no love, no warmth, no memories to fill it. A home is a happy place, somewhere to be safe and to hide from everything bad. But a home is more than just a place. It's a feeling. You can find a home in a place you don't live, in something you do, in the company of a person, in religion. I feel at home with my family. I feel at home when I'm reading. I feel at home in the book shop. I feel at home when I'm writing. I feel at home in the library. I feel at home with her by my side. I feel at home with God. I feel safe in these places and with these people. That to me is what home means. Home is where you live, sure. But home is where you feel safe, where you feel loved, where you are with the people you love.

Thanks for reading

"It's by your side I make my home."


  1. Oh I feel so at home reading this :) <3 *looooong happy sigh* .
    That is so beautiful, Bethan! I love it! <3 :)
    -Anna <3

    1. Awww, thank you so much! <3 It was really fun thinking of all the places I feel at home :)
      Thanks again - it means so much to me! <3



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- B