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Tuesday 27 May 2014

City of Heavenly Fire Theories

Hi, guys!
For a lot of you Shadowhunters in the US, you now have your hands on the final Mortal Instruments book, City of Heavenly Fire. However, for me in the UK, it comes out tomorrow because of an unfortunate Bank Holiday. So I decided, the day before UK release, to do a City of Heavenly Fire Crackpot Theories post. *cheers*
*faint screaming*
Took this picture and added the text so no stealing please!


Right. You've been warned. If you haven't read the books and choose to read on, that's your choice. Okay, let me just give a little space for the non-spoiler people to leave.





Okay. I think that is sufficient room! Now. Hello there, fellow Shadowhunters. Are you ready for Heavenly Fire? What a stupid question. Of course you aren't. Nobody is. Right, anyway. Theories!

If you haven't heard, Cassandra Clare has announced that 6 named characters are going to die in COHF. She also says that one of those 6 will be a boyfriend. Now, here's who me thinks will be dying (I hope I'm wrong with so many of these people...)

1. Sebastian 
This guy. He has to die. He has to. He's been hanging around for too long, somebody just needs to kill him. I hate this guy....

2. Raphael
Raphael wants to kill Simon, right? But he couldn't because Simon had the Mark of Cain. Well, now he doesn't. So Raphael is going to be trying to kill Simon again and he's too lucky to die! I mean look at his history: He's been turned into a rat, nearly dies, is used as a sacrifice by Valentine, nearly dies again, gets caught in a Forsaken battle, sacrifices himself to Raphael, is caught in another battle, gets stabbed, gets shot, is forced to drink the blood of a demon corpse and summons the Angel Raziel. I mean, come on! He just isn't going to die! Therefore, Raphael must die ;)

3. Amatis
She's a named character, and she's a bad guy because of that whole dark Shadowhunter thing. So I figure she must die.

4. Luke/Maryse/Robert/Jocelyn
Any of the parents. I think Jocelyn is the least likely to die. I'm not sure why, I just can't picture an emotional death scene over her. Luke, however, I think is a big possibility. As is Maryse. We know from Cassie that there is a major character death early on in the book. And I can see Maryse/Luke being that character. I really don't want Luke to die because I love him as a character, but he's the right amount of devastating to us that I can just see Cassandra Clare killing him :(

5. Jordan/Maia
I can see Jordan dying, protecting Maia. And that would cover the boyfriend end of things. I'd be sad to see either of these two die but I've never felt really emotionally attached to these two, individually and as a couple. I'd be really sad, but not as sad as if Izzy or Simon died. Cassie also said that at the end of the book, one couple is separated, so this could be them.

6. Magnus/Alec
Again, more than one person, but there's just so many possibilities! I think they'll get back together, just in time for one of them to die? I really don't want either of them to die, though :( There's also this snippet: 
"Well, it's a bit ironic, isn't it?"
"What do you mean?"
"All that effort to convince you I wasn't in love with you, and here I am, dying in your arms."

I feel like this could be Magnus talking to Alec. This snippet could be from TMI or TDA, so it's not definitely from COHF, but if it is....I really don't want this to happen! This could also be the whole 'couple remains separated' thing.
I can also see Alec dying, though, and Jace going through what Will did, feeling his Parabatai rune burn as he loses him. This book is going to end me, I swear....
(Let me know in the comments below if you agree with any of my 6 and who you think the 6 will be!)

I don't know if you've seen this floating around, but there's a theory that Isabelle isn't Robert's daughter. In Lost Souls, Izzy is talking about how she wishes she had inherited her parents blue eyes instead of having dark eyes. So, Robert and Maryse both have blue eyes and it is fairly uncommon for two blue eyed people to have a dark eyed child, because blue eyes is a recessive gene. It could be Robert's child because we know he has an affair, but he has an affair a year or two before or after Max is conceived and it's always been said how much Izzy looks like Maryse. So what was Maryse doing around the time Isabelle would have been conceived. She was in the circle with Valentine. You know what Valentine was doing around that time? Testing on pregnant women. And what if there were no pregnant women around? Well, he'd just have to get someone pregnant. And Valentine knows when he has someone wrapped around his finger. Maryse loved him, would have done anything for him. You know who has dark eyes? Valentine. Yeah. Yeah! Massive plot twist!
Also, Valentine is talking in City of Glass about how it isn't fair that vampires and warlocks and Downworlders in general have all these other powers, like immortality. So what if he tested on pregnant Maryse with a wickle bit of vampire blood or something like that? And she got immortality. Sizzy forever! *parties* (I don't think that last bit will happen, it's just what I want to happen...) Cassandra Clare doesn't just add in Izzy talking about her eyes for nothing. Izzy could have been thinking about anything, but it was her eyes.

This has also been floating about the internet. Somehow, the Heavenly Fire in Jace will be transferred to Brother Zachariah. And the Heavenly Fire burns away all the bad, all the demon inside you. So wouldn't it burn away all of the drug inside Brother Zachariah, turning him back into Jem? I really hope this happens right in the start so that Jem can be helping them and interacting with them and fighting for Team Good :) I also want Tessa to be a massive part in this book, so maybe the epilogue in Clockwork Princess could happen near the start/in the middle of COHF so that they can be together and we can see them being all cutesie and stuff :)

Cassandra Clare mentioned somewhere that Jace Herondale isn't necessarily the end of the Herondale line. So who else is a Herondale? I've seen in a lot of places people saying that Stephen Herondale (Jace's father) didn't actually die and faked his death and then had more children. Don't know if this is true, but I can't wait to find out who else is a Herondale!

I think the massive battle will start at Luke and Jocelyn's wedding (like the Red Wedding in Game of Thrones, I've been told by my older brother) I just think that would be so cool and they'd get married and then BOOM! Dark Shadowhunters attack!

I think if by some upsetting chance, Simon does die, Isabelle will join the Iron Sisters at the end of the books. Because they do tell Izzy that she would make a great Iron Sister, so... Especially if Simon, Alec and Maryse die. Oh my gosh, that would just be the worst! Please don't let this happen.....
Wait. Hold it. I just.....oh my gosh. I just remembered. In Fallen Angels, Lilith tells Simon that he can resurrect people. So what if Izzy dies... and Simon brings her back to life....That would be awesome! Wait, what if he brings her back to life as a vampire??? Oh my gosh, I need this book!

I think Magnus will give up his immortality for Alec. Or his powerful, evil demon dad, who we meet in this book (I think) takes it away from him. I just want Alec and Magnus to be together!

I don't think Maureen killed Camille. I think Camille is still out there somewhere and she's going to make an appearance. I just... I don't feel like Maureen, this 14 year old could take down Camille, an older, way more powerful vampire. I don't know, maybe she did but...

Wow. That is a lot of theories!

Well, I hope you enjoyed this little theories post. I can't wait until I get my hands on this book tomorrow! Let me know all of your theories in the comments below!

See you on the other side, Shadowhunters!

Thanks for reading


  1. I was wondering if you could redo the button about me writing challenge, cause I changed it, and you have the old one on your side bar. So if you could just reput the button on your blog, that would be great! Thank! :)

    1. Yes, of course! Where is the new button on your blog, I can only see the one I have at the moment?


    2. It look that same as the other one, you can't tell that it's different, cause it has the same look, but it goes to something different on me blog.

    3. Ooooohh, I see! I've just changed it :)



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