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Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Warm Hugs Tag

Hey, guys!
Today I'm doing the Warm Hugs Tag.
I'm doing this mid-week because I have something planned for next week, so I didn't want to wait :) Also, note to Celia ( *waves* hi there •-•) - I'm doing your writing challenge tomorrow for my Creative Thursday. I was going to post today and then either not post tomorrow or do something small like a six word story, but when I saw I was tagged for this, I decided to just link your challenge into my normal blogging routine when you do a challenge post on a Monday. When you do it on a Friday, I'll post on Saturday :)

Thank you so much Rachel for tagging me in this! I wuv your blog >.<

1. Follow the blog(s) that tagged you (optional).
2. Post 2 or more pictures that include your favourite characters, books, movies or lyrics from songs (they can also be your own edits or pictures).
3. Tag 5 or more bloggers and tell them.
4. Answer the 10 questions the blogger that nominated you has written, related to books, characters etc.
5. Create your own questions having to do with the same thing.

Oh my gosh, this is so hard! Too many books and too many characters.... *whimpers*

(Plus CoHF, of course ;) )

This is in no real order. I just did all my favourite books because too many favourite fictional characters! I love Tessa Gray and of course, my boyfriend, Mr William Herondale (it's not weird, I swear) and Hermione Granger. And my other boyfriend Augustus Waters. And my other boyfriend Four.  And my other boyfriend Peeta. And my other boyfriend Jace. And my other boyfriend Simon. And my other boyfriend Jem. So many fictional boyfriends *sigh* I wish I had this problem in real life.... There are probably more fictional characters but too tired to type them all! Same goes for lyrics and movies!

Now, Rachel's questions:

1. What's your favourite Disney quote?
Ooooo, tough one! I'd have to say "The past can hurt. But you can either run from it or learn from it" from the Lion King. Or "What beautiful blossoms we have this year. But look, this one is late. I bet when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of all," from Mulan.

2. Which do you like better, Brave or The Little Mermaid?
These questions are already too hard! I'd have to say.... The Little Mermaid..? Just because it's a classic :) But I do love Brave!

3. What fictional character would you love to meet?
Tessa Gray...or Hermione Granger... or Will Herondale. One of those three. Because the first two are so similar to me and Will because.. It's Will Herondale. But so many other characters... Can't choose!

4. Out of all Disney/Disney Pixar movies, which is your all-time favourite?
I cannot choose, I'm so sorry but it is impossible! I love Mulan, Tangled, Beauty and the Beast, Frozen and The Little Mermaid for the princess films. Lilo and Stitch, The Lion King, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc.  and so many others for the rest of them. I can't choose. ALL OF THEM!

5. Would you prefer to spend a day with Dory or Olaf?
Tricky.... I love Olaf but I think Dory because I love her and she reminds me of me because I have a terrible memory...

6. Have you ever been to Disney Land? If so, how many times?
I have never been to Disney Land *shocked gasps* I know, I've missed out on my childhood... I will go one day. I will.

7. If you had the chance to be in The Battle of the Five Armies (the 3rd Hobbit movie), would you accept and have a pretty good part that you can see you when you watch it, or would you rather be in Mockingjay and have a role with no talking, and can barely be seen while watching the movie?
Definitely the Mockingjay role. I love LoTR and The Hobbit, but being on set with Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson and all the cast would just be amazing!

8. Which fictional character that has magical powers do you like the most?
Hmmm.... that's really hard.... Dumbledore? Gandalf? Remus Lupin? I can't choose! Maybe Dumdledore..

Those questions were so hard! Sorry for not giving proper answers for a lot of them... they were too difficult!

Now my questions!

1. Favourite Disney quote?
2. Favourite fictional characters?
3. If you could party with one fictional character, who would you want to party with?
4. Favourite Disney princess movie?
5. Would you rather spend a day with your favourite fictional character in their world or have an unlimited amount of money to spend on books for the rest of your life? (hehe evil >:) )
6. Have you ever been to Disney Land? If you have, how many times?
7. What song describes you the most?
8. Which character death made you the most sad?
9. Which fictional character can you relate to the most?
10. What is your favourite message in a Disney movie and why?

Okay, tagging....
I tag:

Oooo, went on a Tagging Spree :)

Thanks for reading!


  1. Thanks so much for tagging me Bethan! OOO, I loved your answers. I'm still in line for COHF and it's still driving me crazy. I want to know what happens and how the series end, but at the same time I don't want it to be done. :( I just can't handle it!
    {excuse me for venting my fangirl feelings onto you. ;)}

    1. No problem! It was a really fun tag, so enjoy! Thanks ;) Oh my gosh, I don't think I could have waited this long! That was the same with me, I couldn't stop reading it but I wanted to stop because I didn't want it to be over :(
      (It's so good, you'll love it. I cried)


      PS No problem! Goodness knows I do it to you guys all the time!

  2. I love your blog too!!! It's amazing... >.<

  3. Aww, thank you so much! I'm glad you can relate to my posts!
    I've just followed your blog - it seems amazing!

    Thank you for following my blog. It means a lot to me :) Hope you enjoy your crazy stay!



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- B