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Monday 29 September 2014

I may have bought more books....

Hello! I went to town on Saturday with my gorgeous best friend to spend some of my birthday money. I had three £10 book vouchers, so I bought a lot of books.... And here's a book haul!

Three of these books - If I Stay, The Night Circus and We Were Liars - have really vague blurbs, but trust me, I've heard enough times that it's better to go into these books knowing next to nothing. Just trust me on that one. :)

The first book I bought was If I Stay by Gayle Forman. Here's the blurb:

A cold February morning...
A snowy road...
And suddenly all of Mia's choices are gone.

Except one.

As alone as she'll ever be, Mia must make the most difficult choice of all.

 The only thing I'll add to that is that Mia is in a car crash and slips into a coma. She has to decide if she'll die or if she'll stay and wake up. I saw the film for my birthday and I really enjoyed it so now I'm looking forward to reading it!

I also bought the second book, Where She Went. I won't share the blurb because I don't want to spoil
those of you that don't know what happens in the first book.

The third book is The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, which I have wanted for ages! :

The circus arrives without warning.

No announcements precede it.

It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.

That's all I'm going to give you, because that's all I know. I am going to read this book knowing nothing more than that blurb there, because I've been told that that is best.

Next, I bought The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey:

The 1st wave took out half a million people.

The 2nd wave put that number to shame.

The 3rd wave lasted a little longer, twelve weeks... four billion dead.

In the 4th wave, you can't trust that people are still people.

And the 5th wave? No one knows. But it's coming.

On a lonely stretch of highway, Cassie runs.
Runs from the beings that only look human, who have scattered Earth's last survivors.

To stay alone is to stay alive, until she meets Evan Walker. Beguiling and mysterious, Evan may be her only hope.

Now Cassie must choose: between trust and despair, between defiance and surrender, between life and death.

I have already read this book and I LOVE IT. It is such an amazing, epic sci-fi. I do have this book on kindle but...

I also bought the second book, The Infinite Sea (which I won't show the blurb for because spoilers) in
book form and it would have looked odd having just the second one on my shelf.

The last book I bought is We Were Liars by E. Lockhart:

We are liars.
We are beautiful and privileged.
We are cracked and broken
A tale of love and romance.
A tale of tragedy.

Which are lies?
Which is truth?
You decide.

Definitely go into this book knowing nothing. I'm currently reading this and am speeding through it - it's only around 225 pages and the short chapters make it easy to speed-read. I am really enjoying it so far and am very intrigued.

And that's my book haul! Yes, I did buy 6 books and carry them around town. I have a problem...

I finished the last Skulduggery Pleasant book. Oh my goodness, the battle was so intense! It was such an epic book. I know a lot of people haven't even heard of the Skulduggery Pleasant books, but they're very good. They're funny and awesome, a little bit dark and a lot violent but absolutely fantastic. :)

Thanks for reading guys!


  1. I want to read all of these because cover love and they all sound crazy-interesting.
    I read the third Skulduggery Pleasant book! I thought it was awesome, but I still haven't read the rest. :/

    1. I know right?! All the covers are beautiful <3 I finished We Were Liars - absolutely amazing!
      You need to read them ALL from book one because I love them - they're my childhood books. Not, really young, but from about 9 to now. I have really fond memories of these books. :)


  2. Oh wow... lucky you, so many books!!:D Haven't read any of them.. but they all seem amazing!
    The Journeys' of my beating heart

    1. I know, I'm so lucky! I was thinking of maybe doing a bookshelf tour? Is that something people would be interested in? I dunno.
      I'm looking forward to reading all of them! I've now moved on to Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, as I have finished We Were Liars - it was amazing! It's so annoying because I really want to see the film of Gone Girl but it's an 18 :(


  3. I LOVE WE WERE LIARS. It's an amazing book.

  4. And The Night Circus... even better.

  5. Your blog design is AMAZING. Like literally. I say the word "amazing" a lot but this really is like so amazing.

    Question...would you mind teaching me how to do this for my blog? You know, how to make the hover effect, add the Pinterest button for each pic, creating an awesome and perfectly centered header...I'd really like to know.

    Thanksss! ^^

    1. Aw, thank you! I didn't design this, the lovely Rose from adancerspointe.blogspot.com designed it. She doesn't design for free anymore, but I'm sure you could ask her all your questions. :)


  6. Hey Bethan! I challenged you to write chapter four of a blogger story. You can see all the details on my newest blog post. Have fun! <3

  7. Just found your blog and love it! New follower :)
    I really liked the 5th Wave and I can't wait to read the Infinite Sea. I actually don't like Evan and I much prefer Ben, but I feel like I'm the only person who thinks that haha :)
    xx Eleanor


    1. Aww, thank you so much! :) Same! A lot of people have said they're disappointed with the Infinte Sea, but I hope I like it. Haha, ahh, I prefer Evan. :) I'm sure there are other people!



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- B