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Sunday 15 February 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hello my lovelies. :)

I realise this is two days late of my Friday posting and a day late of Valentine's Day, but Friday I got home and slept for 3 hours, ate, then slept again - school exhausts me - and then yeserday I had a hot date ;) (I'm joking, I went over my friend Sophie's house. We made pom poms and cake >.<)

I hope you all had a lovely day, whether it was spent on your own, with friends, family, or your significant other. I usually spend Valentine's Day alone, so it was nice to have a friend to wallow in self pity with hahaha!

I'm currently reading Never Let Me Go by Kashuo Iziguro, as I am meeting him at the Hay book festival this year (which is where I met Cassie Clare) I'm only about halfway through but so far, it's AMAZING and SUPER DARK. :0 Once I've finished it, I'm going to watch the film (with Andrew Garfield in *swoons*)

Not really sure what else to talk about, but I wanted to post. I'll edit if I think of something ;)

Love you guys <3 p="">


  1. Haha, sounds fun! ANDREW GARFIELD AHH

  2. How did the pom-pom making turn out?

    1. Surprisingly, pretty well! I'd made them before using cardboard but my friend had special plastic pom pom makers. The first few were a bit dodgy but once we got into it, they turned out really well!



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- B