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Friday 16 January 2015

The Theory of Everything, Classical Music & A Catchup

Hello, my dear friends

I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED MY MOCK EXAMS! Well thank goodness they're over! I was stressing so much - my back is hurting from being hunched over books for 2 weeks... - and I can already feel a cold coming on. You know teachers always say they're never ill for the whole of term, but as soon as term ends and they relax, they're ill in bed for the holidays? Same thing applies to me.

To celebrate the end of exams, I went to the cinema to see the Theory of Everything, which as you all probably know, is based on the life of Stephen Hawking. It was absolutely amazing and had me very emotional at several points. Eddie Redmayne has been nominated for an Oscar, as has Felicity Jones, who plays Jane Hawking. I would love both of them to win, but I am praying Steve Carell wins for Foxcatcher. I have yet to see the film - I think I'm seeing it this weekend, as I now have so much free time! :) - but I adore Steve Carell as Michael Scott in the US Office and just think he's the nicest man in Hollywood.

I've recently - since around September - been loving classical music. I've found it beautiful since I was around 8, but I've only really starting listening to it last year. I listen to it while I'm working, and am listening to Mozart's Requiem as I write this. I find it so relaxing and calming, and some of the pieces are so beautiful, elegant and almost haunting. Gah, I just adore it. I feel like such a nerd saying I love classical music, but I do just love it.

How have you all been? I hope your 2015 has started off well. It's come to my attention that my blog is not as popular as it once was, which is upsetting but understandable. I have been gone for so long, all your lovely faces have probably moved on and forgotten about me. I'm hoping that as I post more, you guys will notice I'm back and read and enjoy my blog again, but I wouldn't be surprised if you don't remember me! I'm still going to post as normal, and type like I'm having a conversation with someone.

2015 is going to be a good year, I can feel it. There were some rough parts in 2014, and a lot of changes, but all of them were for the better. I am a lot happier with my life now, and am surrounded by a loving family and so many friends that I adore. I have great teachers and so many people supporting me. I know that everything happens for a reason and that in the end, I am better off and happier because of the changes that 2014 threw at me.

I love you all ♥



  1. I hope your mock exams went well.
    Ahhh, classical music! I love it. We have heaps of it sitting on CDs around our house and I love pulling it out and having a listen.

    1. Thank you! I think they went quite well, but I'm pretty sure I failed Physics. :/ I'm not too worried about it though, because everybody found it hard, and if the majority get bad marks, they will lower the grade boundaries. :)
      Ahhh, it's so beautiful I love it <3


  2. Hope you get a good result in your mocks! I am doing one of my exams early, and I had my results last week, so I know how you feel! Jealous alert, I want to see Theory of Everything too! I got some cinema tickets for christmas, so fingers crossed! x

    1. Aawww, thank you! I got my Maths and French back - got an A* and an A in them, so I'm feeling good. :) I hope it went okay! Ahh, it is amazing! I need to see Foxcatcher now. Fingers crossed, it is soooo good!


  3. I'm not in high school, so I don't know what mock exams are, but good luck on them!

    1. I'm not in high school, so I don't know what mock exams are, but I hope you get great results! And, classical music is awesome! I listen to it on the weekends while doing math!

    2. They're exams, but practise ones. Thank you so much! Ahhh, it is so nice to listen to when working! I love it. :)


  4. I hope you did well on your mock exams.
    I love classical music as well- it's so refreshing in comparison to most of the stuff the play on the radio. <3

    1. Thank you so much ^.^
      It's so complex and beautiful and pure - the stuff on the radio is just degrading and horrible! <3



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- B