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Saturday 15 February 2014

The Sunshine Award

Hello! I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day yesterday. I certainly did. Who doesn't love an evening of RomComs and Ben & Jerry's ice cream?
So today, I'm going to be doing the Sunshine Award *cheers and applause*

'For bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere'

The lovely Rose nominated anybody who hadn't tried this, so I decided to give it a try!

The rules:
1. Thank the blogger that nominated you and link to her blog.
2. Nominate other bloggers and let them know on their blogs.
3. Answer a list of 10 questions.
4. The Sunshine Award button must be posted on the blog.

The 10 questions (you can either answer these questions or make up your own 10 questions and answer those):

1. Your favourite quote?
Hhhmmm.... I love so many quotes! I think one of my favourites has to be "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light" ~ Albus Dumbledore

2. Would you sacrifice your life if it would save that of a stranger's?
Um.... would it be wrong if I said no? Because I don't think I would..

3. What is your latest goal?
Hhhmm... That's a hard one because I haven't had a new goal in a while. It's always been the same goal, which has been to get a book published. I suppose maybe to have a successful blog? Yeah. Those are my goals - old and new :)

4. Who's your special Valentine this year?
Ben & Jerry's. My phone. My laptop. Books. All of my fictional boyfriends <3

5.  What book are you currently reading?
Specials by Scott Westerfeld. I've nearly finished it though, so I will be reading either Extras by Scott Westerfield or The Resistance by Gemma Malley next.

6. Do you play an instrument?
Yes, I play piano. I am taking my Grade 4 exam in May.

7. Are you crazy?
Yes, I would say so.

8. Books or movies?
Books, any day. I love films but books are always better.

9. Biggest fear?
Losing my loved ones. I also hate bugs. So if a bug kidnapped my family, I would be very upset and very scared. But in all seriousness, I think I would break down if anything happened to anyone that I love. And I think that's the case for everybody.

10.  Favourite memory of school?
Well, I'm still in school, so I have many memories yet to come. But one of my favourite memories has to be when at lunch time when I was with my best friend. And I can't remember why but we were nearly crying with laughter. Just the memory of that feeling, of happiness and the pain in my stomach from laughing so hard and the ache in my cheeks from smiling too much, keeps me going on bad days.

I nominate:
And anybody else who hasn't done this already!

I'll post something next week. Bye guys and thanks for reading.


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- B